Lightning fatalities  are avoidable - precautions can reduce the toll  75%

As the monsoon brings relief to the sizzling hot countryside, the direct fallout is rising Lightning deaths. The pre/early-monsoon deaths are highest in India. The studies of last 40 years have shown that 35-40% of total lightning deaths in year  takes  place during June –July . Since the monsoon is delayed in 2019, it’s the next ongoing fortnight most critical .

Table 1: Lightning deaths are maximum in June- July approx 35-40% of annual death toll

And all these deaths due to Lightning are avoidable . Lack of awareness and education by all is the main reason for these deaths . Lightning Resilient India Campaign has observed in its findings that  95% casualties are in rural areas and less than 5% casualties are in Urban areas . More than 71% deaths are due to people standing under tall single isolated tress . 20% deaths in open areas is due to lack of knowledge about Lightning safety position that is crouch position in case one is trapped in lightning & thunderstorm. Irony is large number of deaths of people due to secondary strikes and standing under metal(tin) roofef houses or in open verandah.Similarly , the huge loss of cattles is mainly due to lack of suitable shelter and being left in open during the rain, thunderstorms and lightning .

  The details of  fatalities category wise reveals its male who are major victims due to obvious reasons of being out in open . Another category if farmer with 65% of total death toll followed by children 35% . Each need to be dealt separately .

Table 3: Category wise details  of fatalities due to Lightning Source : CROPC

Here are few basic tips for saving life .
1.         During lightning/thunderstorms/rains, never stand under tree . 71% deaths due to lightning can be avoided with this .

2.         When thunder roars, Go indoors – Pucca closed house or car or bus are the safest. Do not stand in verandah .

3.         In case you are trapped in Lightning , please occupy Lightning safety position that is crouch position as given below:-

4.         Farmers in the field must identify pucca shelter or set up local made Lightning Conductor device .

5.         Water bodies like pond, river, lake etc be placed out of bound during lightning and rains . Places prone prone to Lightning llike Hilltop be avoided by all.

6.         In case playing outdoor, take shelter in pucca house . 

Its suggested that :-
1.      Mukhiya /Sarpanchs be advised to run awareness campaign
2.      Children in school must be apprised of the safety awareness tips during prayer/before leaving the school .
Animals in villages must be kept safely during rain/thunderstorms and Lightning .
Lightning is an avoidable death.Precautions be followed to stops Lightning fatalities

Col Sanjay Srivastava
Convener, Lightning Resilient India Campaign
Chairperson, Climate Resilient Observing-Systems Promotion Council (CROPC)
Mob +917667860470
Email id
Dated 19  July 2019

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