Lightning aftermath –
a remedial analysis
Lightning Resilient India Campaign – remedial approach to extreme climate Change Adaptable
Resilient Community
As the delayed
monsoon sets in over entire India and
much awaited downpour compensates
the rain deficit ,the heated up region generate huge surge of
frequent and intense lightning in
Himalayan foothills , river basins , hilly regions and plateau of Chotanagpur
to Patkai in Meghalaya . Despite best of
the Lightning early warning forecasts by
Indian Meteorological Department , the unprepared masses in Uttar Pradesh,
Bihar , Mahya Pradesh , Jharkhand , Odisha incur huge loss of life,
livestock, livelihood and weak hutments
. Science has progressed and so are the forecast products of IMD -its giving 24 hours to 3 hours advance warning and so the reaction time . Adaptation is required by Government agencies , community and othe stakeholders .The state Governments are found wanting in conveying the timely forecasts of IMD to target last
mile and generating awareness towards it resulting in fatalities .During last
three months from 01 April to 24 July , more than 1200 deaths have been
reported by media /state Governments as per the reports compiled by Climate
Resilient Observing Systems Promotion Council – convener of Lightning Resilient
India Campaign .
Figure 1: Lightning forecast by IMD for 25 July 2019 – Red is for severe lightning followed by Yellow- heavy lightning and green moderate lightning
Lightning is one of the most visible promulgation of climate Climate change extremities we are witnessing now. As we know climate change and global warming are worldwide phenomenon but the impacts are felt locally in the form of , acute heat wave , lightning , extreme cold , heavy precipitation followed by long gap , flash floods are new normals. These are in addition to slow onset of drought , water scarcity and routine flood . Deforestation, depletion of water bodies,carbon emissions and pollution have added more to the extremities. An apparent backlash of climate change are the extreme events like lightning whose frequency and intensity both are phenomenally high and on the rise . Though lightning is a global phenomenon , but It’s severity is being felt mostly during monsoon or norwester in areas all along Himalayas and Hindukush in countries like India , Pakistan ,Nepal , Bangladesh , China etc. The hilly region where climate variability is much more , lightning is a routine phenomenon throughout the year .The river basins like Kosi , Ganges , Godavari , Indus , Mahanadi are new Lightnjng zones causing substantial fatalities . In India alone more than 3000 people are killed annually which is more than the deaths due to any other natural disaster. Similar is the state of losses in Pakistan , Nepal , China , Bhutan and countries of Asia and Africa . It is estimated that In South East Asia alone , due to lightning ,more than 6000 people loose their life in addition to loss of livestock and livelihood .
Figure 1: Lightning forecast by IMD for 25 July 2019 – Red is for severe lightning followed by Yellow- heavy lightning and green moderate lightning
Lightning is one of the most visible promulgation of climate Climate change extremities we are witnessing now. As we know climate change and global warming are worldwide phenomenon but the impacts are felt locally in the form of , acute heat wave , lightning , extreme cold , heavy precipitation followed by long gap , flash floods are new normals. These are in addition to slow onset of drought , water scarcity and routine flood . Deforestation, depletion of water bodies,carbon emissions and pollution have added more to the extremities. An apparent backlash of climate change are the extreme events like lightning whose frequency and intensity both are phenomenally high and on the rise . Though lightning is a global phenomenon , but It’s severity is being felt mostly during monsoon or norwester in areas all along Himalayas and Hindukush in countries like India , Pakistan ,Nepal , Bangladesh , China etc. The hilly region where climate variability is much more , lightning is a routine phenomenon throughout the year .The river basins like Kosi , Ganges , Godavari , Indus , Mahanadi are new Lightnjng zones causing substantial fatalities . In India alone more than 3000 people are killed annually which is more than the deaths due to any other natural disaster. Similar is the state of losses in Pakistan , Nepal , China , Bhutan and countries of Asia and Africa . It is estimated that In South East Asia alone , due to lightning ,more than 6000 people loose their life in addition to loss of livestock and livelihood .
The scientific reason for sudden rise in lightning
activities observed can be attributed to
the global warming or acute heat wave. Hotter the area in summer, more is the
lightning during onset of monsoon . From the common layman’s point of view it
can be explained as its akin to pouring water over hot plate and sudden rise of water vapor . During the onset of monsoon
, once the moisture comes in contact with hot earth , there is extreme rapid
convection resulting in intense and frequent lightning . In Bihar , Jharkhand,
Odisha there are reagions were lightning
has been observed during scorch sunny and humid days even . On 21 July , there
were 12 deaths in Palamu/ Chatra, Santhal Pargana in Jharkhand during bright
day light, The scientific reson can be attributed to intense
cloud to cloud lightning at higher layers of stratosphere and it
travelled down due to its high intensity .
As per study conducted in India , more than 85% deaths take
place during monsoon and that too in flooded areas as water being a good
conductor attracts lightning adding to the miseries of flood struck community
and administrative machinery . Lightnjng is fatally prominent even during
ongoing flood in Bramaputra , Kosi, Ganges , Mahanadi and other river basin areas which are , off late highly
prone to lightning and is causing frequent fatalities . This is double
strike on flood ridden community which
hampers the relief by administrative machineries and humanitarian agencies .
The traditional coastal and hilly areas too get
active as far as lightning is concerned. In recent study by Prof. (Dr.) Sanjay
Sharma and team of Kohima Science College Kohima, Nagaland and their technical
analysis with North Eastern Space Application Center, Shillong and Delhi based
lightning think tanks of Climate Resilient
Observing Systems Promotion Council (CROPC) , it has been revealed that
Chotanagpur plateau comprising of North Odisha, Jharkhand, Eastern Chhatisgarh
and southern Bengal is the most thermodynamic and most electrostatic zone in
the country . The surge of lightning bolts from
Chotanagpur plateu extend through Bnagladesh upto Patkai plateau of
Meghalaya which makes Garo hills/ Shillong as most lihhtning prone area
followed by Khasi and Jayantia hills and parts of Western Tripura, Manipur and
Nagaland .
The hills of
Arunachal Pradesh , North Assam and North Bengal
are another high lightning prone zones with their localized and frequent
lightning not only during monsoon but throughout the year . The Nepal
tarai or foothills of Himalayaa in
North Bihar, Uttar Pradesh also face frequent lightning during norester
and monsoon. In south , western ghats
from Kerala , Karnataka, Goa,Maharashtra to Gujrat is traditionally high
lightning prone zones . However, vidarbha, Marathwada and Dharwad are new
lightning prone zones increasing fatalities .
there has been a pattern observed for various areas and same are well known to
scientific community and well apprised to state authorities. Thse advisories
and inputs from IMD and National Remote Sensing Center (NRSC) , ISRO need to be
utilized much more with suitable actionable advisories , preparedness and
mitigation by state governments , community and industries to adapt to climate
change and avoid losses.
Lightning deaths are
avoidable with the help of multi pronged approach like Lightning Early Warning
& prompt dissemination to community , Capacity Building by aggressive
awareness , education & training and creation of Lightnjng Safe
infrastructures like safe school , safe hospital , safe relief camps by
installing lightning protection device ( conductors/ arresters ) . Its
pertinent to mention that in India , a Lightning Resilient India Campaign
has been launched on 26 March 2019 at IIT Delhi jointly by Climate Resilient
Observing Systems Promotion Council ( CROPC ) , Indian Meteorological
Department Ministry of Earth Science , World Vision India and IIT Delhi
supported by NDMA, other State Governments , Red Cross & other NGOs,
academia like IITs , Central Universties etc. and aims to reduce 80% deaths in
next 3 years . The Campaign has focused
approach towards lightning and few interested facts have emerged like 95%
casualties are of marginalised and tribal , accounting to 66% deaths of farmers
, 35% children and women . The campaign highlights that upto 80% deaths can be
reduced proper awareness only .It has yielded positive results in Indian States
like Karnataka , Odisha , Jharkhand , Andhra Pradesh , Assam and others have
been able to reduce fatalities substantially due to this . This campaign is a
visible example of adaptation to extreme climate Change event like lightning .
Adaptation to lightning by intimate Monitoring , Early Warning , Capacity
Building and creation of lightning Safe infrastructure is yielding better
awareness and adaptation across the community and thus reducing the fatalities
and loss of livelihood .
The climate extremities are short term extreme phenomenon
with fatal impacts . It calls for intimate and constant monitoring of weather
situation along with strategic approach towards climate change .State
Governments need to set up State Data Centers / early warning Centers to monitor
the weather services and climatology in coordination with regional and local
IMD Met Centers . These inputs need to be suitably observed for various sectors
like agriculture , disaster management etc. and promulgated . There has been
revolutionary developments in few states to the extent that all early warning
and advisories have been confined to easily accessible smart phones based apps
. Mobile apps like Damini by Indian Institute of Tropical Management(IITM) Pune
, Sidulu of Karnataka, Vajrapat of Andhra Pradesh, Satark of Odisha, TN Smart
of Tamilnadu , US apps Weatherbug and Earthnetworks are very useful and are being widely used by Urban and semi urban communities .However, The dissemination of
early warning as actionable input to target masses specially in rural areas to
marginalised, tribal is the most difficult . More so farmers ploughing
their field, fishermen involved fishing in ponds /rivers (water bodies) or
folks in jungle grazing cattles
or collection of fire woods etc. do not carry mobile phones and are away from
technology. The state governments /district authorities need to find out
innovative means to disseminate the lightning hazard warning through local
social networks, sirens, public announcements or other innovative means .
Thre has been lot of myth and misconception amongst community about lightning. In states like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar , Madhya Pradesh , its taken as God’s curse and there are stautues created in rural UP as Bijuria Baba or so. There is a need to have lightning Action plan for each district, community and sector . This should be done by state governments, districts and communities . The general tendency in villages are there that whenever, it rains, people take shelter under tree, The lightning strikes at the tree killing person/animal underneath. Its pertinent to note that mpre than 70% deaths due to lightning are due to people standing under tree . There are Dos and Donts which need to publicized, people need to be trained .
Thre has been lot of myth and misconception amongst community about lightning. In states like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar , Madhya Pradesh , its taken as God’s curse and there are stautues created in rural UP as Bijuria Baba or so. There is a need to have lightning Action plan for each district, community and sector . This should be done by state governments, districts and communities . The general tendency in villages are there that whenever, it rains, people take shelter under tree, The lightning strikes at the tree killing person/animal underneath. Its pertinent to note that mpre than 70% deaths due to lightning are due to people standing under tree . There are Dos and Donts which need to publicized, people need to be trained .
Livestock specially cattles, goats and
hens major sufferer in addition to wild animals in Jungles. As per media report
, there has been more 1000 deaths of
cows due to lightning strikes in UP alone. There was a death of elephant
reported from Assam too . There is a
need to create safe shelters for animals too.
The capacity building can not only enhance
preparedness but can reduce deaths by 75-80 %. Message awareness about not to
stand under tree can save 70% deaths . It should be undertaken as a mission..
Mitigation towards lightning
Protection has been grossly missing. In recent Cyclone Fani in Odisha in May
2019, there was not a single death due to lightning due to installation of
Lightning Arresters over all 879 cyclone shelters on time . Such practices should
be followed by other states too .As per unconfirmed report, there has been
approximately only 2% lightning protected infrastructure . NBC code 2016 lays
down fitment of traditional Lightning conductors only. Its pertinent to mention
that Lightning conductor is a traditional passive protection device. However,
Early Streamer Emmission (ESE) based NFC compliant Lightning arrester is an
active device and is ideally suited for many installations . However, the
rivalry between Lightning conductor and Lightning arrester is also adversely
effecting installation of full proof electrical protection systems . There is
an need to carry out lightning risk audit of each building/installation
and ensure compliance of lightning
/electrical safety .
With the rising global warming and
environmental degradation Lightning hazards will keep rising and so the
fatalities . Lightning , being the biggest killer needs to be notified as
natural disaster by Ministry of Home Affairs . The fatal impact of rampant and
rising lightning needs to be addressed to reduce the loss of life, livestock,
livelihood and hutments . A collective campaign Like Lightning Resilient India
Campaign hopes to address lightning hazard comprehensively and create a
lightning resilient community .
Released by
Col Sanjay Srivastava
Convener, Lightning Resilient India Campaign
Chairperson, Climate Resilient Observing-Systems Promotion
Council (CROPC)
Mob +917667860470
Email id
Dated 25
July 2019
tips for saving life .
1. During
lightning/thunderstorms/rains, never stand under tree . 71% deaths due to
lightning can be avoided with this .
2. When
thunder roars, Go indoors – Pucca closed house or car or bus are the safest. Do
not stand in verandah .
3. In
case you are trapped in Lightning , please occupy Lightning safety position
that is crouch position as given below:-
4. Farmers
in the field must identify pucca shelter or set up local made Lightning
Conductor device .
5. Water
bodies like pond, river, lake etc be placed out of bound during lightning and
rains . Places prone prone to Lightning llike Hilltop be avoided by all.
6. In
case playing outdooe, take shelter in pucca house .
Mukhiya /Sarpanchs be advised to run
awareness campaign
Children in school must be apprised of
the safety awareness tips during prayer/before leaving the school .
Animals in villages must be kept safely during
rain/thunderstorms and Lightning .
Lightning is an avoidable death.Precautions be
followed to stops Lightning fatalities
Released by
Col Sanjay Srivastava
Convener, Lightning Resilient India Campaign
Chairperson, Climate Resilient Observing-Systems Promotion
Council (CROPC)
Mob +917667860470
Email id
Dated 25
July 2019
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